Monitoring Your Home Heating Fuel Tank

Running out of home heating fuel in the midst of winter can be uncomfortable and potentially hazardous. In this blog, we will walk you through the steps to efficiently check your home heating fuel tank levels and explore the advantages of having your fuel supplier install an automatic fuel tank monitoring system.
Checking Home Heating Fuel Tank Levels:
Dipstick Method: For homes with traditional heating oil tanks, the dipstick (“stick the tank”) method is the most reliable way to check fuel levels. Open the tank's cap, insert a clean dipstick into the tank until it touches the bottom, and then withdraw it. Check the oil level on the dipstick against the markings to determine the amount of fuel remaining. We sell measuring sticks that can make this process very simple. We also have tank charts available so you can convert your measurement to gallons. Be sure to call us with 25-35% of capacity remaining so we have a few days to get a delivery to your house. We also have automatic delivery that can do away with sticking the tank forever.
Tank Gauge: Many modern home heating fuel tanks come equipped with a built-in tank gauge, similar to the one found in vehicles. This gauge provides a clear visual indication of the current fuel level, allowing you to monitor it at a glance. While gauges are less accurate than sticking the tank, gauges can give a quick reference point. Need a gauge? We sell them for many heating oil tank sizes.
Accurate and Timely Notifications: Automatic monitoring systems utilize advanced sensors to track fuel levels accurately. Our fuel tank monitoring systems eliminate the worry of checking fuel levels. Firstly, our fuel tank monitors send the current reading back to our dispatch offices where our 24/7 dispatch team monitors the level of our customers' tanks. Secondly, we customize each tank to send us an alert when a tank hits a level of 30%. Thirdly, and most importantly, this triggers our team to schedule a delivery of fuel, taking the guessing game out of our customers' fuel needs. Our fuel tank monitoring service is great for vacation or rental homes, where usage varies, as well as customers who want to have the extra assurance and peace of mind that the fuel tank monitor provides. Tank monitoring is available for most propane tanks, as well as most heating oil and kerosene tanks. Tank monitoring is not available for underground heating oil tanks.
Peace of Mind: With automatic delivery and available tank monitoring, you no longer have to worry about manually checking fuel levels or the uncertainty of estimating oil consumption. The system takes care of everything, giving you peace of mind and a comfortable living environment during winter. Let’s face it, when you get busy, you can easily forget to check your fuel levels. Let us take something off your plate. The last thing we want to happen is to have you sitting in a cold house without fuel.
In conclusion, monitoring your home heating fuel tank levels is essential for a hassle-free and warm winter. By using simple checking methods or arranging for automatic delivery and a tank monitor, you can ensure you have enough heating oil to keep your home cozy throughout the colder months. Embrace the benefits of technology and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your heating oil levels are under control well before winter hits.